Sunday, December 16, 2007

Quantum Computing

A brief introduction to quantum computing has recently appeared as a preprint on arxiv. Here are the details: > quant-ph > arXiv:0712.1098
Quantum Computations: Fundamentals And Algorithms
Authors: Steven Duplij (Kharkov National University), Illia Shapoval (NSC Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
(Submitted on 7 Dec 2007)

Abstract: Basic concepts of quantum theory of information, principles of quantum calculations and the possibility of creation on this basis unique on calculation power and functioning principle device, named quantum computer, are briefly reviewed. The main blocks of quantum logic, schemes of implementation of quantum calculations, as well as some known today effective quantum algorithms, called to realize advantages of quantum calculations upon classical, are concerned. Among them special place is taken by Shor's algorithm of number factorization, Grover's algorithm of unsorted database search and, finally, the most promising in application methods of quantum phenomena simulation, particularly quantum chaos. The most perspective methods of experimental realization of quantum computer, namely nuclear-magnetic resonance and trapped ions realizations, are discussed. Phenomena of decoherence, its influence on quantum computer stability and methods of quantum error correction are described.
Another short and interesting paper I encountered recently was on the equivalence between the circuit model and adiabatic quantum computing, by Lidar, et al. It can be accessed here. If you are unfamiliar with adiabatic quantum computation, a nice nontechnical introduction by Chris Lee is available here. Then, there's another interesting paper entitled "How Powerful is Adiabatic Quantum Computing?" by van Dam, Mosca and U. Vazirani, from IEEE.